pdf fileUnited kingdom flag 24 ANETREC - The Maribor Declaration - Promoting reconciliation and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans as essential preconditions for the effective European integration of the region  
pdf file United kingdom flag 24 EUNEG Recommendations, Maribor, Slovenia, 2015  

  BRIDGE - Recommendations of the RT «EU Belarus Aims and Methods for Implementing the EU Initiatives within the Framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and Eastern Partnership, Gomel, Belarus, 2012        


  BRIDGE - Резолюция Международного научно-практического семинара «Права и свободы человека, защита национальных меньшинств в Российской Федерации», Саратов, Россия, 2011


  BRIDGE - Saratov Resolution on human rights, freedoms and national minorities’ protection in Russia, Saratov, Russia, 2011


  BRIDGE - Odesa Declaration On Enhancing Local Democracy In Belarus, Moldova, Russia And Ukraine In The Revised Europrean Neighbourhood Policy, Odessa, Ukraine, 2011


  BRIDGE - Declaraţia De La Comrat Pe Relaţii Inter-Etnice Şi Protecţia Minorităţilor Naţionale În Republica Moldova, Comrat, Moldova, 2011


  BRIDGE - Комратская Декларация По Межэтническим Отношениям И Защите Национальных Меньшинств В Республике Молдова, Комрат, Молдова, 2011


  BRIDGE - Comrat Declaration on Inter-Ethnic Relations and Protection of National Minorities in the Republic of Moldova, Comrat, Moldova, 2011


  BRIDGE - Рекомендация для усовершенствования трансграничного сотрудничества ЕС с Белоруссией, Молдовой, Россией И Украиной, Кишинев, Молдова, 2010


  BRIDGE - Recommendation on EU – Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine Cross – Border Cooperation Improvements, Chisinau, Moldova, 2010


  BRIDGE - Recommendations for improving the EU-Belarus relations, adopted at the Workshop for civil society representatives and civil servants of the Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Belarus, 2010


  BRIDGE - Заява Щодо поліпшення співробітництва громадянського суспільства з урядом України, Одеса, 2010


  BRIDGE - Statement on the Improvement of Cooperation of Civil Society with the Government of Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine, 2010


  BRIDGE - Statement on the Improvement of Cooperation of Civil Society with the Government of the Russian Federation and with EU Agencies, Moscow, Russia, 2010


  BRIDGE - Recommendations to the EU Agencies, Authorised Governmental Bodies of the EU Member States and BRIDGE Partner Countries on Management of Migration, Asylum, External Borders and Visa Regime, Chisinau, Moldova, 2010


  BRIDGE - Заключение - круглый стол по сотрудничеству ес в области образования, культуры и науки с Беларусью, Молдовой, Россией, Украиной, Кишинев, Молдова, 2010


  BRIDGE - Concluding Statement of the Round Table on the EU-Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine Cooperation in Education, Culture and Science , Chisinau, Moldova, 2010


  BRIDGE - Declarațiepentru îmbunătățirea cooperării societății civile cu guvernul Republicii Moldova, Chişinău, Moldova, 2010


  BRIDGE - Statement on the Improvement of Cooperation of Civil Society with the Government of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, 2010


  BRIDGE - Дэкларацыя аб ўзаемаадносінах Беларусі і ЕС, Гомель, Беларусь, 2009

  BRIDGE - Declaration on Belarus-EU Relations, Gomel, Belarus, 2009