Identifying and Reducing Prejudices as a Source of Conflict between Roma and Non-Roma Population – Cases of Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, and Slovenia Compared – REDUPRE
The Project actions were focused on analysing sources and manifestations of stereotypy behaviour within both, the majority population and Roma population as well as elaboration of theoretical models and practical techniques and manuals aimed improving the understanding between Roma and non-Roma population.
In the framework of the Project (1 March 2011 – 30 June 2013) great amount of research and training activities was realised in the selected localities in four countries and wider.
The selected localities in four countries were:
- municipality Razgrad in Bulgaria;
- region Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy;
- region of Banat and Crisana Romania;
- region of Bela Krajina Slovenia.
Among Project beneficiaries were not only members of Roma and non-Roma population in four localities but also national and local authorities, institutions of civil society, mass media, EU institutions and wider public from four countries and from other European countries.