Training and education for combating discrimination in Slovenia - DiscSlov (2005-2007)

Consortium Members
Faculty of Law, Department for Public Law, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany
Austrian Human Rights Institute, Salzburg, Austria
Ecumenical Institute, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Münster, Germany
School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
ECERS – European Centre for Ethnic, Regional and Sociological Studies, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Prof. Silvo Devetak, PhD, Director of ISCOMET- Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (Maribor, Slovenia)
Jasmina Klojčnik,uni. dipl. oec., Project Manager
Franc Mlinar, MA, Deputy Project Manager

Deputy Co-ordinator
Prof. Gerard Rowe, PhD, Europa – University Viadrina (Frankfurt am Oder, Germany)

International Programme Council
Prof. Thomas Bremer, PhD, Director of the Ecumenical Institute, University of Münster, Germany
Prof. Sergej Flere, PhD, ISCOMET-Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies, Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Wolfram Karl, PhD, Director of the Austrian Institute for Human Rights, Salzburg, Austria
Vera Klopčič, PhD, ISCOMET-Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies, Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Math Northmann, PhD, Erasmus University, Faculty of Law, Rotterdam, the Netherlands