The Statutes of the International Scientific Conference Minorities for Europe of Tomorrow - ISCOMET (Document, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, June 27, 1989, OPL/BUR (24) 8) was adopted by the founding Conference on June 8-9, 1989 in Ljubljana. The conference was convened as a private initiative of a group of experts with the informal support by the Council of Europe. The final Declaration of the conference was distributed by the Council of Europe (see Council of Europe, CLRAE, CPL / BUR / 24 / 8, Strasbourg, 27 June 1989). The Declaration included between other two requests of the participants:
First, to transform the meeting in Ljubljana in the permanent scientific encounter  “The International Scientific Conference Minorities for Europe of Tomorrow - ISCOMET” and
Second, to establish a research centre in order to study the issues of ethnic minorities and regionalism in the emerging European circumstances (later it was establish at the University of Maribor as the European Centre for Ethnic, Regional and Sociological Studies - ECERS). It is necessary to stress that the founding conference in Ljubljana was convened eight months before the crash down of the Berlin wall what symbolised the beginning of the new historical era in Europe. 

On behalf of the recommendation of Mrs. Catherine Lalumiere to the Committee of Ministers and to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 14 November 1991 in application of Resolution (72) 35 of the Committee of Ministers, ISCOMET was added, with the effect from 14 May 1992, to the list of international non-governmental organisations (NGO) enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe . On the 38. FUEN - Congress on 28 May 1992 in Branitz, Cottbus, ISCOMET has been accepted as a correspondent member of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN). ISCOMET NGO has been registered with the District Court Maribor, Slovenia  (Court decision no.1 / 10113 / 00 of  March 5, 1997)  as one of the activities of  ISCOMET - Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies.

The Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter of the Council of Europe registered in 1998 (entry into force on 1st July 1998) ISCOMET on the list of international NGOs (altogether 38 NGOs) entitled to submit collective complaints to the Committee of Independent Experts responsible for the supervision of the application of the Charter in the states that have ratified this instrument. The Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter renewed the registration of ISCOMET on this List starting from 1st July 2002.

ISCOMET is an association of about 300 individual and collective members from all European and some other states. They have been developing different activities or are interested in the study of international relations and international law, the issues of regionalism and sustainable regional development, the status of minorities, of the ethnic and national identities, and of the preservation of the cultural heritage of European regions and ethnic communities. What have joined them was their dedication to the activities for promoting local development, safeguarding peace, human dignity and friendly co-operation between peoples, states and regions of Europe, among other by strengthening mutual co-operation and by exchanging views and information.

In order to achieve these aims the Association is coordinating international wide-scale Projects, organising international meetings and mutual information and views exchange, promotes research, and encourages activities launched by governmental and non-governmental institutions or organisations for the purpose of promoting the democratic development of issues, which are its concern.


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adopted at the annual Assembly, on the 22nd August 1998 in Copenhagen.

The President of ISCOMET is professor Silvo Devetak, PhD  (Maribor). He is full professor for International law and the head of the Department of international relations and international law at the Faculty of law of the University of Maribor. For his international scientific activities he was in 1997 awarded Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia.

Prof.dr. Peter Roberts (Dundee, U.K.)
Prof.dr. Winfried Böttcher (Aachen, Germany)
Joseph von Komlossy, (Zürich, Switzerland)
Dr. Serguey Artobolevskiy (Moscow, Russia)
Secretary General:
Jasmina Klojčnik,dipl.oec. (Maribor, Slovenia)
Photini Papoudakis (Athens, Greece)
Financial Committee:
Dr. Gerhard Seewann (Münich, Germany)
Dr. Cirila Toplak (Maribor, Slovenia)

Prof.Dr. Emil Kirchner (Colchester, U.K.)
Dr. Marko Koščak,  (Trebnje, Slovenia)

Finn Andersen, M.A., M.Sc. (Copenhagen, Denmark), Romedi Arquint (Cinuos-chel, Switzerland), Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Bakić (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Dr. Andras Balogh (Budapest, Hungary), Goran Bašić, M.A. (Beograd, FR. Yugoslavia), Prof.Dr. Jan Berting (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Prof.Dr. Bojko Bučar (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Prof.Dr. Riccardo Cappellin (Rome, Italy), James Corrigan (Belfast, U.K.), Prof.Dr. Wladyslav Czaplinski (Warsaw, Poland), Dr. Giorgio Dominese (Venice, Italy), Prof.Dr. AsbjĆrn Eide (Oslo, Norway), Prof.Dr. Karsten Fledelius (Copenhagen, Denmark), Dr. Isabelle Hannequart (Tours, France), Kjell Herbert (Vasa, Finland), Dr. Irene Juozeliuniene (Vilnius, Lithuania), Prof.Dr. Renate Kicker (Graz, Austria), Rudolf Klein (Budapest, Hungary/Tel Aviv, Israel), Dr. Peter Kovacs (Miskolc, Hungary), Prof.Dr. Igor Koval (Odessa, Ukraine), Prof.Dr. Jean Paul Lehners (Luxembourg, Luxembourg), Acad. Prof.Dr. Vadim Lissenko (Odessa, Ukraine), Ilona Mihaies (Timişoara, Romania), Dr. Dahlia Moore (Tel Aviv, Israel), Robert Nef (Zürich, Switzerland), Simona Pascariu, MA (Bucharest, Romania), Dr. Yvo Peeters (Brussels, Belgium), Prof.Dr. Remigio Ratti (Lugano, Switzerland), Silviu Rogobete (Timişoara, Romania), Dr. Andras Roman (Budapest, Hungary), Prof.Dr. Riccardo Scartezzini (Trento, Italia), John Sell (Kent, U.K.), Dr. Julija Spiridonova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Dr. Anthony D. Spiteri (La Valetta, Malta), Prof.Dr. Vojimir Stanovčić (Beograd, FR Yugoslavia), Prof.Dr. Michael Steiner (Graz, Austria), Miquel Strubell (Barcelona, Spain), Dr. Leoš Šatava (Prague, The Czech Republik), Prof.Dr. Peter Treuner (Stuttgart, Germany), Prof. Dr. Josef Tvrdon (Bratislava, Slovakia), Fernand de Varennes (Murdoch, Australia), Prof.Dr. Noralv Veggeland (Lillehammer, Norway), Christiane Villain – Gandossi (Marseille, France), Budislav Vukas (Zagreb, Croatia), Jane Wade (Kent, UK).